IPA Brasil
IPA Brasil, the Brazilian Association for the Right to Play and Culture, was established in 1997 as a member of the International Play Association (IPA), an organization present in over 50 countries, working based on Article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
The mission of the IPA Brasil is to promote, preserve, and protect the right to play as a fundamental human right. This is achieved through building necessary alliances in both public and private spheres, including legislative efforts at all levels of government. The association also focuses on raising awareness and providing training for adults who directly or indirectly interact with children and adolescents.

We aim
to provoke a meaningful change in the behavior of all Brazilian adults, encouraging them to provide more opportunities for children to engage in free play in their daily lives.
We dedicate ourselves to deeply study the scientific issues and best practices related to play in Brazil and around the world, so that we can translate this information in a way that is simple enough to permeate throughout our society.
Our purpose is to promote a culture of peace through the relationship between individuals who have experienced play during childhood.
We have created an environment of learning and sharing experiences that embraces the uniqueness of each individual, fostering a working environment among people who are deeply passionate about what they do, who have fun, and respect one another. We have established the necessary structure to ensure that our 'play advocates' continue to carry out their work with depth, excellence, and in an enjoyable and fulfilling manner.
We do this through raising awareness about the importance of free play for human child development, providing training, information, and stimuli that bring awareness to the role of adults in this relationship.

Our team is composed of professionals from different fields, with extensive experience in Play. Many have been with us for years, some since the organization's inception, while others were once students in our Training Program.
IPA Brasil values each story and knows that we are better together!

Recognition and Participations
Honorary Member and Member of the International Council of the International Play Association (IPA).
Member of the Organizing Committee for the Annual Event of the Childhood and Peace Program of the Federal Senate.
Member of the Latin American Platform of the German NGO terre des hommes.
Child and Adolescent Rights Advocacy Organization recognized by the City Council of São Paulo/SP.
Participant in the Working Group on Play of the National Early Childhood Network.
Registered with CONDECA (State Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents).
Registered with CMDCA (Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents).
Municipal Seal for Human Rights and Diversity 2020/2021/2022, city of São Paulo/SP.
Ludicidade Award and "Pontinho de Cultura" from the Culture Viva Program 2008, Ministry of Culture/MINC.
"Pontinho de Cultura" Award for the Espaço do Brincar (Play Space) project, Ministry of Culture/MINC.
Cultural Point of the Culture Viva Program 2010, Ministry of Culture in partnership with the State Secretariat of São Paulo.
Cultural Point of the Culture Viva Program 2013, Ministry of Culture in partnership with the Municipal Secretariat of São Paulo.
Top Of Mind Brasil 2005/2006 Award as one of the most recognized NGOs in the country.